General IT

Remote Desktop Management Service (RDMS) Not starting.
In the case where RDMS (Remote Desktop Management Service) is not starting, the fix is to restart the "Windows Internal Database" service and THEN start RDMS again   1. Restart Windows I..
Lenovo software update
if the computer cannot detect the microphone and windows update is not able to detect the issue try to update using the computer manufacturer update app
Check Windows Activation via Command
How can I check if Windows is activated from the command prompt or powershell?   A purely PowerShell solution would be:   Get-CimInstance SoftwareLicensingProduct -Filter "Name..
How to manage Credentials using Command Prompt
How to manage Credentials using Command Prompt To view Credentials from Credential Manager using Command Prompt, follow these steps- Search for cmd in the Taskbar search box. Clic..
CPU and Hard drive Temperatures
CPU and Hard drive Temperatures We are getting many temperature alerts through Atera monitoring that deal with both CPU and drive. It's good to know how to reduce these temperatures. Processes that..
Atera Training Videos
Atera Walkthrough   Atera PSA   Atera RMM ..
Adding and Activating Duo for Customers
To add Duo for each customer we need to walk through a few steps: Open the user on the Domain Controller and add them to the 2FA member group. Add their cell or phone number to the user under ..
Windows Start and Search Won't Open
Run the following in elevated Powershell   Remove-Item "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\RestrictedServices\AppIso\FirewallRules" New-Item "..
How to Flush DNS
Windows 10. 8 and 8.1 Navigate to the desktop. (From Home, tap or click the Desktop tile). Right-click the Start button (the Windows logo in the lower-left). Choose Command Prompt (Admin). When as..
Delete Remote Printers from Remote Server
When remote printing has many issues with remote users it's good to remove the printers from registry. To do this:   1. Open registry editor by hitting windows + r on the keyboard​&nbs..

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