
Medisoft - Transaction Types for Procedure codes
While creating a procedure code in Medisoft you might find different entries under Code Type. Here is the list of all the codes that are used to store in the database table MWTRN.ADT which might be us..
Error 6420 and ADS.ini file
This is a file for use with the Advantage Database Server, to allow programs to use pre-defined settings and configurations for the server connection.  Otherwise the program will normally search ..
Modifying Grid Columns
  Nearly every screen in Medisoft that has columns and rows of information can be modified to show a custom arrangement of columns. To ..
Medicare Password Change (website)
The new way of changing medicare password is changing from the edi website.  1. Open this website 2. Enter the credentials. After that, there is a box that ..
Medisoft Error 6420 - Reconnecting Medisoft To The Medi Data Folder
1. You will get this message when trying to log in to your medisoft account. Click Browse. 2. Go to the C drive of the server and select MediData. 3. In MediData Folder, you will find MW..
Medisoft Tables and Transaction Types
MediSoft for Windows Transaction Types for MWTRN.ADT   A - Procedure Charge B - Product Charge C - Inside Lab Charge D - Outside Lab Charge E = Global Procedure Charge H - Billing Ch..
How To Enter An Adjustment Entry In Medisoft
Adjustment Entry Adjustments are used to either increase or decrease the balance on a patient's account. This can be done for many reasons. Refund – (Positive Adjustment) When a ..
Medisoft Audit Program Options
First, make sure you enable the auditing options you need in Program Options. Select if you want a Detail or Summary view, the date range, and the chart range: Select the users you'd lik..
How To Do Collections In Medisoft
To access the Collection List, click the Activities menu and Collection List. Collection List Navigation By default the Collection List will only display collection tasks that are scheduled to b..
Medisoft - Data Path not found
When logging into medisoft you might see an Error messaging saying “Data files not found.” Try to access the server from the computer first and check if accessible either through Wi..

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